A Simple Gift
A Simple Gift

Aside from variations in facilities, Mawewa Primary School Phys. Ed classes are similar to elementary gym classes held all over the world. In our gym classes, kids exercise through play in organized groups, at different skill levels, learning to master a variety of developmentally appropriate physical skills. Across most cultures, ball-based play is central to skill development for both children and adults.

The simple gift of a ball makes a huge difference to the development of a variety of skills for the receiver. Ball-based play builds bilateral skills and hand-eye coordination. It also develops gross and fine motor skills, spatial awareness, grasping skills, problem-solving skills, balance, and even language and social skills.

During our Phys. Ed classes at our Mawewa Preprimary and Primary Schools, a variety of specific singing, passing and team games are used to further help develop timing, sequencing, motor planning, and attention. In addition, through repetition and observation, the youngest of our students in our preschool classes learn social skills like cooperation and sharing as they pass, roll, and throw the ball, taking turns and counting with their teachers and fellow students.

Recently we distributed a ball to each of our elementary school students for Game Day. The excited cheers and smiles on our students' faces as they received their ball and participated in all the activities planned, were a testament to the joy that a simple gift can bring.

You gave our students that simple gift. We are grateful for all that you have given to support our work. Your gifts, be they large or small, are making a difference in the lives of the children of Mathare.

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