An Opportunity to Thank God
An Opportunity to Thank God

An Opportunity to Thank God

You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us, your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of the Lord’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. 2 Corinthians 9:11-12

eduKenya is the recipient of a financial match of $30,000 for NEW DONORS through September 25. To reach our goal, we are asking you to step out of your comfort zone and approach family, friends, and your church about the opportunity to transform the lives of children living in extreme poverty in Mathare, Kenya.How to Ask:1. For many people, asking for a donation is scary stuff, but God commands us to be strong and courageous and promises to be with us in all that we do (Joshua 1:9).2. Most of our family and friends are greatly blessed with material abundance. Asking them to be generous toward those in grave need creates an opportunity for an act of thanksgiving to God (2 Corinthians 9:11-12).3. Make it clear you are asking for money for a great cause. Tell your friend or family member about the match and the deadline date of September 25.4. Tell them about Mathare, Mawewa School, and the transformation happeningthere through eduKenya. Here is a brief summary of how contributions to eduKenya influence the success of our organization in the lives of the children and families we serve:

  • Contributing to eduKenya impacts the lives of children and families who are living in abject poverty in the Mathare slum of Nairobi by providing them an education (children) and job skills training to parents - mainly Mom's since 70% of the children at the primary school come from single Mom homes. It is a lack of educational and job skills training opportunities that contribute to the ongoing cycle of poverty. The eduKenya mission is to empower children and their families with the opportunity to break the chronic cycle of poverty and transform their lives and communities.
  • The only administrative costs, in addition to paying school teachers and job skills trainers, are those associated with the U.S. & Kenya Executive Directors and a very small accounting, communications, and program management staff. All of the board members serve voluntarily and pay their own travel expenses.
  • To give you an idea of the transformational success in the education arena, the primary school had its first-ever graduating class of eighth graders last November. Some of these children were among the first attendees of the school nine years earlier as Kindergarteners. In Kenya, there is a national exam for eighth graders to receive their Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE). It is a 500 point exam and the Mawewa School eighth grade class members' average score was 143 points higher than the public schools' average across the country and 101 points higher than the private schools! 850,000 eighth graders took the exam.
  • Following this success, eduKenya leased a facility outside of Nairobi that serves as a secondary boarding school for first year high school students.

5. Point them to the eduKenya website for more information - Answer questions or suggest they contact eduKenya through email: Thank them for listening to you and considering your request.

7. If they are interested in donating, give them the following information:

  • Online donations can be made at
  • Donations may be mailed to:eduKenya7090 Nolen Park CircleNolensville, TN 37135

On behalf of the eduKenya team, the Mawewa School teachers and staff, and the children and families we serve, thank you for your consideration and may God continue to bless you as you love and serve Him.

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