Cooking Lessons
Cooking Lessons

At eduKenya, our goal is to equip our students to be God fearing thriving adults, who positively and productively contribute to their families and communities. To this end, we have been undertaking a series of practical life skills lessons that go beyond the classroom, preparing our students for adulthood.

Our 8th graders recently enjoyed a “How to Cook” lesson. Their main ingredients were Sukuma Wiki (collared greens), tomatoes, onions, coriander (cilantro), garlic, avocado and lemon. Our students also learned how to light a cooking fire in a ‘jiko’ which is the most commonly available Kenyan stove used for cooking. They learned how to light and maintain a fire safely while using readily available materials of cardboard boxes, charcoal and matchboxes.

One of our staff, Mrs. Wanjala, led the class in preparing 2 healthy quick side dishes of guacamole and a stewed sukuma wiki, that would be used to accompany one of the staples of ugali or rice.

Our students enjoyed their experience and were very proud of the tasty meal they produced. They ended their lesson with not only more confidence in the kitchen, but also important fire safety skills that will positively serve their families in the long term.

When you give to eduKenya, you enable us to provide a practical education to our students. Would you consider making a special gift today to enable us to continue to make this kind of experiential learning available to the children of Mathare?

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