Mawewa School - An Oasis
Mawewa School - An Oasis

Class 1Class 1 has 24 students, and they are enjoying their first year in the new Mawewa school building. The majority of these little ones deal with great and often devastating hardship in their personal lives, so their school and classroom are an oasis to them. Mawewa provides them with intellectual, emotional, physical, and spiritual nourishment each school day. Classes begin at 7:30 am, and their curriculum includes Social Studies, Mathematics, Kiswahili, Christian Religious Education, and English. The children also participate in other school activities and playtime.


Student HighlightDennis lives in Jangwani, the poorest section of Mathare, with his mother, twin brother, and two sisters. His mother runs a small stall selling chips (fries). She works hard to pay the children’s school fees and provide for her family’s daily needs, but she often works late, and the children go to bed hungry. Dennis looks forward to the two filling meals he receives at school each day. He says the food gives him “energy to learn and play.” Dennis says the two things that make him the happiest are playing with toys and the love of his family and teachers.


Class 1 TeacherMrs. Lydia Wandera has been at Mawewa School for over one year. She is passionate about her work and determined to help the children achieve their goals. Lydia loves and cherishes her students and daily gives them her full support and attention. Lydia and her students are thankful for eduKenya donors whose support improves the standard of life and education for these children living in extremely impoverished circumstances

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