Reflections from Boarding School
Our first Form 1 (freshman) Class is well underway, the students have settled into a routine, and according to their teachers, are doing very well academically and socially. Thirteen of the students did not previously attend Mawewa School in Mathare, and they have expressed great surprise at the environment in which they find themselves. Enjoy these early reflections written by several of the Form 1 students:
“Everyone back home told me that I would not get enough food, and I would lose weight; however, we eat like the teachers here, with a variety of good meals - and I think I have even gained weight! The teachers are so kind and understanding. They encourage us to work hard and go after our dreams. I expected the teacher to change after the first few days, but I was wrong. They continue to be kind and not harsh toward us, and I think they will continue to be like that.” Maurine A.
“As the saying goes, “Dream until your dreams come true.” Being in Mawewa School is “a dream come true.” Life at the school is challenging - we wake up at 6 am, take cold showers, dress, eat breakfast, and run to class. We have been introduced to many new subjects that sound funny to us - biology, geography, and chemistry. I have learned to manage my time, and get things done quickly and accurately. I am becoming self-reliant, self-disciplined, and independent.” Trinah A.
“My friends back home told me that high school life is hard and that the KCPE results determine the kind of school you attend. However, Mawewa School is proving to me that school life is not all about the kind of school one goes to, but the kind of education one receives at the school. The most shocking thing for me was the cross-country running that we did during the first week. Since I was not used to running for long distances, my body ached for a few days after that. I am slowly getting used to it and realize that it is useful to keep me physically fit.” Daisy A.
For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline. 2 Timothy 1:7