Rights of Passage
Rights of Passage
Class 8 Informal

Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity. 1 Timothy 4:12

Rights of Passage ExperienceIn Africa past, values and skills were traditionally passed down to children by their elders. The entire community taught children how to live, work and become responsible adults. Over the years, as families migrated to more densely populated areas, the structure of education has shifted from community-based to institution-based. As parents work long hours to provide financially for their children, the task of education is now in the hands of schools and teachers.At Mawewa School, our faculty understand the community of Mathare and know the character and the needs of our students. They are acutely aware that the transition from adolescence-to-adulthood is especially challenging for children living in extreme poverty, where an overwhelming number of snares increase poor choices and negative consequences that compromise a child’s future.Last year, members of our staff attended a Tanari Trust training camp to learn how to set up a faith centered, “ROPES” program for our students between the ages of 13-14. ROPES® stands for Rites Of Passage ExperienceS, and the 2-year curriculum is designed to assist students in Classes 7 and 8 with the transition from childhood into young adulthood.ROPES program lessons teach students to articulate the changes that happen within the body, their feelings, and how they need to handle themselves in their teenage years. The program culminates in a week long camp held outside Nairobi at the end of the school year. The experience will be staffed by eduKenya and Mawewa School staff and headed by Joseph Njenga and Moureen Njeru, Community Support Ministry Coordinator and Class 4 teacher, respectively.Our prayer is that our students will embrace the godly values they learn and become role models and contributing members of their community.

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