We Love Because He First Loved Us
We Love Because He First Loved Us

We teach our students from K-12th grade all the academics they need to succeed. But more important than that, perhaps, is the 7 Transformation Milestones we hope to see in them as they grow. Two of those milestones are that we want our students to be Christ-centered and positive agents of change.

Last week, our Kenya Director of Communications, Sheri, went out to watch the younger students play. Play is an important part of learning, and as she watched, one of the students hit his head. Immediately after this happened, his friend ran to help him. Sheri states that kindness is something the kids see in their teachers, and that is why they show it to one another.

Thank you to our teachers and staff for being examples of Christ-like love to our students, so they may see that love and in turn show it to one another.

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